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Did you know?

More than 90% of Madagascar’s wildlife is found nowhere else on Earth.

Rainforests can take millions of years to form and develop. The Amazon is 55 million years old.

Madagascar’s treetops are home to between 70% and 90% of the area's plant and animal life.

Borneo’s Clearwater Cave has one of the world's longest underground rivers.

80% of the food we eat originally came from rainforests including: coffee, chocolate, rice, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, black pepper, pineapples and corn.

Cancer Institutes have identified approximately 1,400 rainforest plants which could potentially be used to fight cancer.

Lemurs are solitary but social creatures that prefer to nest in groups throughout the day then go foraging alone at night.

Chameleons are mostly active during the day. They use color to convey emotions, defend territories, and communicate with their friends.

Orangutans are known to waddle in the water. Fruit is the most important component of an orangutan's diet.

Tigers tend to hunt at night, stalking their prey for a long time.

Amazon forests suffer as global demand for products such as beef and soy increases.

Forests are cleared for more and more cattle grazing pasture and cropland.

Adult elephants can lift up to 300kg using only the strength of their mighty trunks.

Gorillas are considered to be one of the most intelligent animals in the world. They are able to process information and to think independently.

Lemurs arrived in Madagascar around 62 to 65 million years ago by rafting on mats of vegetation.

Lemurs are known to sashay across the sand like ballet dancers and sing like whales.

Geckos sleep flat against tree trunks with their heads down. They can adjust their body coloration as they sleep to match their surroundings.

Chameleons have bulging eyes that move independently of one another, giving them 360˚ vision.

Rhinos have been known to communicate by vocalizing, marking soil with their feet, and even twisting saplings into patterns.

Though largely hairless, male orangutans can grow distinctive mustaches.

A tiger’s roar can be heard at up to 1.9 miles away.

A tiger’s stripes are as unique to it as fingerprints are to humans; they’re also found on its skin.

Macaws mate for life.

Macaws survive eating poisonous seeds daily by ingesting clay.

Jaguars have powerful, bone crushing jaws that can penetrate through skull.

Male river dolphins are known to carry branches or balls of hardened clay in their mouths in order to show off and attract females.

Primatologist Frans de Waal states bonobos are capable of altruism, compassion, empathy, kindness, patience, and sensitivity.

African elephants can “feel” sound by picking up vibrations through their feet. They can even determine the sound’s direction by comparing the timing of signals received by each of its front feet.

Gorillas live in family groups of usually 5 to 10, but sometimes two to more than 50, led by a dominant male who holds his position for years.

Gorillas share 98.3% of their DNA with humans, making them our closest cousins after chimpanzees and bonobos.

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